Thursday, March 25, 2010

shits happen!

sedih gila babi sangat sekarang nih. its like i don't have a real life, when i thinking of my result i can't will going anywhere, its seems like i nothing where to go! no college life, no money to eat, even i can't treat my friend to eat! i felt this was like the end of the world.

i must follow my heart, i must get to flow in life, i felt like i not good enough for her, with my life like this i cant even prove to her that i can do it anything , i need her in my life. not to say that i was giving hope to u much but what i trying to say is my life is not completely without you, i never felt in love like this before. i never been like to someone like this before, i must admit i was totally forget myself, who i am during i having SPM, i never think about myself, only think is you. i totally mess up.

now with your college life you can do anything, that is the MOST i worry about, anything can happen to you, even fall in love with others. i'm sorry if i texted i've no mood today day. i was thinking about this the whole day. i want to quit my job. i want to quit everything and start all over again but i dont know how, i totally no direction, i fucked everything up! i love you sara, i really do. i want you to be part of my life before other people take your heart.

i willing to do anything to you, i want to be a man! i want be myself! i want be everyone! but the only thing that is missing is you! i totally mess up everything, i hope u will text me if you read this, im sorry about this! i totally sad right now , i hope u understand me :'(

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

C.H.A.M.P Cod Liver Oil

Yeay mesti korang tak tau pe kerjadah ni... champs is actually mcm scott emulsion la tapi ni khas untuk budak2.. ni lah kerja sambilan aku sekarang and aku rasa seronok gak dapat main dengan budak2.. kerja aku cuma tangkap gmabar je and partner aku rizal & Azhary ...

Azhary kerja dia bagi ceramah and rizal sediakan sample champs tu..haaha, kerja dia cuma dalm dua jam mcm tu je...lagi best dari mcD sebab boss ckp everyday dari ckp "May i take your order" kan?? then boleh travel dgn dua monyet tu lagi...hahaha so disini saya nk post sikit gambar je...

Monday, March 8, 2010

audtion battle of the band earth hour 2010

"Bro, ko mandi dulu" tu lah hari yg bersejarah untukku selepas k.e suruh aku mandi tuk get readdy audition BOTB, best2 mimpi jadi RAWKSTAR sehari sebelum tu...dah semangat tidur kul 5 pagi bangun kul 11 pagi!! memang record tuk kitaorang! haha... dah lepas mandi semua, ayah k.e pun bgtau "kalau takde moral support call ayah ye kerry" haha.. tak pernah seindah kata dari ayah pernah aku dgr!! sementara tuh k.e try call afiq tapi tak dapat!

pastu Hariz voxx kita sampai tuk pick up grak trus pergi akakarya tapi kena singgah rumah atok aku nk amik duit...(rm30) hhaha! dah2 sampai akakarya semangat gila nih!! dah set up semua.. afiq tak datang2... dlm fikiran hariz ~(accident>hospital>hilang ingatan>lupa nk main solo she is genius)~ haha, punya la geram sampai session kitaorang pun dah habis,(rm30 habis mcm tu je) orang yg audition pun tak sampai2... pastu borak2 kat pentry and tanya seribu soalan nape afiq tak dtg... pastu decided grak pg studio hot stuff ~ jumpa dgn boss BOTB banggang nih!!

sampai2 kat sana kita pun decided selambe je main audtion tu... aniway hotstuff nye studio seriously best and cheap! last2 minute afiq call aku gne house phone!! mcm cibai ckp tak kenal aku semua.. hahaha then, kita pun ckp dgn boss bagi 10 minute nnti lead guitar dtg..then lepak kat al-safa ... gila la punya lapar nk mati time tuh..aku dgn kerol makan hariz nye makanan sampai licin!!! hahah

selepas afiq sampai dgn muka "she is so serious .. so whoaa ~" haha...dia pun ckp dia sry sebab makan ubat demam tadi..then kita mcm "oohhh la, she was a good girl for me" haha ... -.-

then everything was going great and sound system kitaorang best of the best kita dah bagi tapi mcm BABI sebab tak dapat masuk botb eart hour tuh...

yours truly

potong rambutku!!



Monday, March 1, 2010